These are some recent bird sightings around our home. They're not really backyard shots, because we don't have much of a backyard, lol! I'll explain each photo in the caption below it. I'd love to hear what birds are visiting your area now - spring is such an awesome birding time!
"Just Look Over Your Shoulder, Baby!" ;-) American Goldfinch on the old TV aerial. I was actually up on a ladder taking photos of items for our store (good way to get full overview). I spotted this beauty through the crack between our carport and shed. I angled myself very quietly and carefully, as the ladder is a bit rickety. I was surprised to get this!

"Receptive", I believe this is a House Finch (male with diluted color?), up on the top part of the antenna. The foreground blur is from weeds in the rain gutters, lol! Time to clean them.
"Look Out Below!" Not sure if this is a Cooper's Hawk. I do know that I shouldn't take my eyes off the prize. I'd gone outside because I'd seen him flying, but he wasn't coming close enough, and I got distracted by the honey bees in the fiddlenecks below after the hawk had disappeared at the end of the field. Next thing I knew, he came back, and I barely had time to get my camera up and adjusted - duh! ;-)
"Mr. House Finch", original title, I know. This was actually taken through my bedroom window, and brightened in Photoshop Elements.

"A Little Shower", I spotted this little White-Crowned Sparrow on the other side of the wall on a dark, rainy afternoon. It was a little too late in the day, and too dark, but I took it anyways, and just adjusted it:-)

Let's see..I have a bus load of Cardinals, two pairs of Black Cap Chickadees, a couple of real noisy Blue Jays and a boat load of Sparrows....Oh yes, and if squirrel meat was a delicacy...I'd be rich!
Poor little squirrels, lol! We don't have them around here, but they are in the foothills (especially the crazy ground squirrels). Wish we had Cardinals - I've never seen one in real life. I love Chickadees, but none here, either. Okay, now I'm jealous;-)
I adore your bird pics, Erica! I've been having trouble loading your blog on my old, tired computer, so I stopped following you briefly. Time to get a new computer!
Hi, your photos are awesome! I love birds and really loved all your photos of birds. We have a lot of cardinals here in South Carolina, maybe I can capture a photo one day soon of a couple. I have really enjoyed going through your blog for the first time and will definitely be following you.
Thanks, Katie and Kelly! Katie, you need a new computer for all your photos, too - I love your blog, because I can learn and get to id things:-) Kelly, I saw a cardinal photo from one of my Flickr contacts in Florida recently. I never thought of them that far south, because I always see them in snowy photos. I hope you'll share if you do get photos, and thanks for following me! I've finally got some new photos I should be adding soon...
Beautiful photography Erica, such sweet little birds, Lindax
Hi! Your "Cooper's Hawk" is a Northern Harrier. Great shot
Thanks, Christopher! Ugh, and good reminder to get back to my blog, How in the heck has so much time passed?
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