Okay, I am waaaaaaaaaayyyy overdue for a new post! I've found a new addiction in photographing the butterflies that have been coming around here. It's been too hot to take our drives, so I look for things around home to photograph (so I don't have withdrawals;-). I still have plenty of photos from past drives to share, but this time, it's all about the butterflies! These are photos from both where we live, and some taken at Sequoia National Park in the past (ones that I haven't shared anywhere before).
"Mosey Along Now" - One of my all-time favorite sightings was this Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus) at Sequoia National Park. This was the first and only Monarch sighting since returning to California. This beauty flew back and forth multiple times, allowing me to take a lot of photos. I have a couple here in my shop, but hadn't edited this one before now.
"Tiny But Tough" - This little cutie is the one that the Monarch is trying to get to move. Not happening! S/he might be small, but was determined to stay. I believe this is an Eastern Tailed Blue Butterfly (Everes comyntas). If it's not, please let me know:-)
"Somber" - This is another Sequoia shot. I believe this a a Funereal Duskywing (Erynnis funeralis), but I'm not positive. I looked at a lot of different photos trying to be sure. The markings seem a little different on the top wings, but overall it appears to be a match...
"Inside and Out" - A California Sister Butterfly (Adelpha californica), taken at Sequoia. This butterfly's wings are equally beautiful inside and out:-)
"A Bright Spot" - The butterflies at Sequoia love the granite and the little pools of water that form in this one area. I believe this is a Large White Skipper (Heliopetes ericetorum). Almost looks like s/he's part of the rocks!
"Hidden Gold" - A lucky sighting! I was tracking this little beauty when s/he landed on the blade of grass. It may have been meant for camouflage, but wound up being the perfect backdrop:-) I think this is a Woodland Skipper (Ochlodes sylvanoides), taken at Sequoia.
"Hold Tight" - A Common Buckeye Butterfly (Junonia coenia) with a very tight grip on some yellow lantana. We've been having a few of these show up - they seem to like yellow flowers best. I want to get a shot of the wings open, because they're so beautiful. In the meantime, I was happy to discover a new visitor to our plants:-)
"Sunny Delight" - Of course, I couldn't resist adding another photo of a West Coast Lady (Vanessa annabella). This is one taken here at home on the Verbena canadensis 'Homestead Purple' that so kindly jumped out of its pot into the ground and spread like crazy:-) Butterflies love it!
"How's the World Look Upside Down?" - The very common but still pretty Cabbage White Butterfly (Pieris rapae) taking in a different view;-) This photo was taken at Lowes. Going to their garden center is a great way to get a flower fix - this center always has a great selection of plants to photograph. I'm sure people think it's a bit odd to be going there around with a camera, but it's so enjoyable that I just lose myself in the flowers:-)
"Pretty as a Picture" - Last, but not least, is another Anise Swallowtail (Papilio zelicaon). These beauties have been coming by here every day, and I've been taking tons of photos. I hope you've enjoyed this butterfly journey. To me, butterflies are one of the most challenging photographic subjects, which is why I've become addicted to shooting them - practice makes perfect, right? I delete far more photos than I keep, and get so excited when I get a good one:-) If any of the id's are incorrect, please let me know. I'd also love to know which photo here is your favorite, and what butterflies grace your part of the world. It's so exciting to learn and see new species!
WOW - stunning images of the butterflies! MY fave is the last one - I don't see those around here.
That skipper is impressive. I've never seen one like that before.
beautiful! i just came across your blog thru another one i follow...and glad i did! thank you for sharing your work- and these beautiful butterflies:)
Happy Day to you....
Thank you so much, everyone! I've fallen behind on my blogging, but just want to say how much I appreciate your kind words:-) I'll be sharing new photos soon!
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