Friday, January 29, 2010


wolf moon, full moon

Why do I allow myself
To enter the black hole
Why do I let my mind wander
Where it need not go?
Answers to such questions
I do not know.

I worry and I ponder,
I agonize and I fret,
I sit myself down
And put my soul in debt
For things I haven’t done,
And problems I haven’t met.

I don’t really like
These feelings of pain
My useless worry causes me
Again and again.
I must learn to conquer,
To end this vicious reign.

To look in the mirror,
To see myself true,
This is what is needed
What I must do –
Look at myself and say,
“I love you”.

To believe I am good
Inside and out,
To believe I am worthy
Without a doubt.
To know I have a purpose
Is what it’s about.

It’s a rough road,
But I believe I can make it.
Life’s meant to be happy,
It’s just how I take it.
Whatever I do,
I cannot forsake it!

Original poem written January 1, 2000, copyright Erica Lea

I recently came across some poetry that I had stashed away, yet carried with me all these years. Now that I have a blog, I actually have a place to share it:-) The moon photo above was taken tonight. It's the first full moon of the year, aka the "Wolf Moon".

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